Throwing Stars – The Centuries Old Self-Defense Tool

For centuries, throwing stars, also known as shurikens, have been used in various martial arts forms. The intent of these star-shaped weapons is to cause injury or damage to the target. As with every ancient and historical weapon or gadget, throwing stars too have become a must to possess item for decorative purposes and personal collection apart from as a tool for personal defense.

A Brief History of Throwing Stars

The history of the throwing stars can be traced back to ancient Japan which at that time were used by Ninja warriors. The main purpose in those ancient times was to distract or disarm the opponents resultantly causing minor damage and induct chaos.

Though basic shape and design have remained somewhat the same as in ancient times, however, with the advancement in technology, more lightweight, and sharp throwing stars have found their way into our lives and are found to be more efficient, though their use on large scale has been very minimum.

The improved aerodynamic shape and material of the throwing stars have increased their efficiency manifold compared to ancient times.

Types of Throwing Stars

You can find different types of throwing stars available in the market depending on their individual characteristics. Most of the popular ones include the traditional Japanese shuriken, the Chinese throwing star, and the American throwing star. Each one of these is used differently and comes with a different design.

Traditional Japanese Shuriken: This type of throwing star is typically made of stainless steel. It consists of a central ring along with four to five arms pointing outwards.

Chinese Throwing Star: This is also known as “Ninja Star”. It has a little bit different design as compared to the above one. It comes with a smaller central ring but possesses longer arms. Due to its central ring being a smaller size, it has got more accuracy and a more damaging portion on it due to its long arms. It can also travel a bit more distance in a throw due to its design.

American Throwing Star: Typically made of stainless steel, this is a larger, more modern design. Decorative as well as combat-oriented, it is designed for a variety of uses.

Choosing the Right Throwing Star

Though it does not involve some mechanical or electrical working mechanism or some software requiring thorough research before your purchase one, however, you must keep your intentions in mind while deciding on one.

Most people being enthusiasts of martial arts prefer to get it as a decorative item. Whereas others may need it for their self-protection or to create deterrence.

Either way, first you need to find your intentions in spending some money. As a guideline, throwing stars intended for decorative purposes are well-crafted and decorated but they comprise their materials and blades/ arms strength as they are not intended for causing damage.

However, in case you are searching for one for your own protection, then you must be looking for a strong and high-quality material throwing star that can serve your purpose at best.

Best Throwing Stars

throwing star

Stainless Steel Throwing Star With Black Star In Middle

✓ 5 Point Throwing Star
✓ 4” Diameter
✓ 1 pc w/ nylon sheath


Best Beginner 

throwing star

Stainless Steel Throwing Star 

✓ 4pc different designs
✓ 2.5 Inches
✓ Nylon Pouch


Best in Budget 

throwing star

Heavy Duty Stainless Steel 5 Point Throwing Star

✓ Heavy Duty 440 Stainless Steel
✓ 5 Point Throwing Star 
✓ Nylon Pouch


Best for Experts 

Throwing Techniques

For accuracy and safety, it is important to use proper technique when throwing a star. As these throwing stars are intended to be thrown in order to cause damage, however, if you consider it a proper sport or a skill may be,  then it is important that you learn and follow proper throwing techniques.

The overhand technique is considered to be the most common technique for throwing stars. With this method, you have to hold the star in your master hand with your body in forward motion as you throw a baseball. This technique is mostly used in close-combat situations for attains more accuracy and control. 

The other technique involves throwing the star with a non-dominant hand and keeping your body in a backward motion. This technique is best used for longer ranges and is used to inflict surprise on the opponent.

Both overhand and underhand techniques can be utilized for throwing a traditional Japanese Japanese shuriken. This advantage stems out due to the reason of its central ring and arm’s length and design.

The Chinese throwing star, also known as the “Ninja Star,” is similar in design to the Japanese shuriken but it has a smaller central ring and longer arms. This design allows for greater accuracy and distance when throwing, making it a great option for longer-range combat.

The American throwing star is another option, it’s a larger, more modern design that is typically made of stainless steel. It’s designed for both combat and decorative purposes. This type of throwing star is best thrown using the overhand technique, this is because the weight distribution allows for greater accuracy and control.

Safety Precautions

  • Remember all the safety precautions mentioned below may not be valid if you are out and have to use throwing stars for self-defense. However, even then you have to be careful for yourself and for others as well in order to avoid unintended damages.
  • If you intend to practice throwing stars, must do it in a designated throwing area. Large and open space is preferred for this purpose. Always avoid crowded areas.
  • It is always advisable to have some protective gear if you find the risk of slipping the throwing star by mistake. Your arms, eyes, and chest area must be protected and covered by means of gloves, glasses or jackets, etc. Throwing stars edges are sharp enough to cause an injury upon immediate contact with the body.
  • It is always fun using the correct equipment and gadgets for any sport. Likewise, the condition of the throwing tsars must be checked for any cracks or dents, etc. and any faulty throwing stars need proper disposal.
  • Make your target the actual target of your throwing stars and never throw a throwing star in the direction of any object or person which you do not intend to hit anyway. Always look for the right-pointing of your throwing arm.
  • When retrieving your throwing star from the target, always use a plier or some similar tool to keep your hands safe from the sharp edges. Picking the throwing star with bare hands can be risky.
  • If you are new to the game, must get some training from an expert person which will make this more interesting, safe and secure, and fun. For self-defense reasons a trained person is at a better advantage to engage the target in a more effective manner.


A throwing star is a fascinating and ancient weapon with a rich history and many uses. In addition to being used for martial arts and self-defense, they are also decorative and collectible. To practice safety when throwing a throwing star, you should choose one that is made of high-quality materials and designed for the intended purpose. Our website is the perfect place to start if you are interested in purchasing a throwing star for yourself or as a gift.